Steps to a Comprehensive Morning Skin Care Routine


You can definitely start the day on a very positive note by beginning with a well-structured morning skin care routine. In cases of oily skin, you ought to observe steps that help you control excessive oil secretion and breakouts. The article will guide you through a detailed skincare routine for the morning, best suited for people with oily skin, as was observed with famous beauty influencers like Dominique Sachse. Whether you're a novice or just a hardcore skin care enthusiast, this is the kind of guide that will walk you through steps guaranteed to bring out a glowing complexion.

morning skin care routine steps

Why You Need to Kick-Start a Morning Skin Care Routine

Having an effective morning skincare routine can secure your skin from vitriolic skin enemies like environmental elements. It helps in keeping hydration on point and controls the levels of oil production within the skin, particularly in oily skin types. The correct products, paired with correctly applied steps, really do make all the difference. Here's why:

- Protection: Your skin would be set to face the environmental stressors like UV rays and pollution.

- Hydration: Your skin is kept in perfect balance and moisturized.

- Oil Control: Shine and breakouts are prevented by keeping oil at bay.

- Foundation: It provides an even base for any makeup.

Steps to the Morning Skin Care Routine for Oily Skin

1: Cleanser: Start Fresh

First in every morning skin care routine should be cleansing. When looking for a gentle foaming cleanser for oily skin, look for something that will effectively remove overabundance-most oil and impurities without stripping the skin. Added ingredients to fight acne may include salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide.

- Product Recommendation: CeraVe Foaming Facial Cleanser or Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Wash.


2. Toner: Balance and Prep

A toner, therefore, removes any residue and further adjusts the pH of the skin. On oily skin, a toner will have witch hazel, glycolic acid, or niacinamide that all work in tandem to regulate the amount of oil produced and reduce the size of pores.

- Product Recommendation: Thayers Witch Hazel Toner or Paula's Choice Pore-Reducing Toner.

3. Serum: Targeted Treatment

Serums manage to send active ingredients right in to your skin. When this comes to oily skin, look for a serum with niacinamide, which controls oil production and improves the texture of skin. Vitamin C serums may also turn out useful for skin brightening and antioxidant protection.

- Product Recommendation: The Ordinary Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1% or TruSkin Vitamin C Serum.

morning skin care routine steps for oily skin

4. Eye Cream: Gentle Care

The skin around the eye areas is thin, and in some places, it goes thin, plus it puffs up. An eye cream lightweight enough for hydration will help protect the skin in this area. Ingredients such as caffeine reduce puffiness, while hyaluronic acid increases hydration.

- Product Recommendation: CeraVe Eye Repair Cream or Neutrogena Hydro Boost Eye Gel.

5. Moisturizer: Hydrate Without the Shine

Even oily skin needs to be moisturized. Go in for a light, oil-free moisturiser that United Stateses without clogging pores. Gel-based moisturisers do a great job of providing hydration sans extra oil.

- Product Recommendation: Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel or La Roche-Posay Effaclar Mat.

 6. Sunscreen: Prevent Damage

Sunscreen is not an optional step in your morning routine. Go for broad-spectrum wide melanin protection of at least SPF 30. If you have oily skin, then a matte-finish sunscreen will help you stay shine-free all day.

- Product Recommendation: EltaMD UV Clear Broad-Spectrum SPF 46 or La Roche-Posay Anthelios Clear Skin SPF 60.

dominique sachse youtube morning skin care routine steps

Optional Steps to Take It Up a Level

Exfoliation: Weekly Renewal

Not only do exfoliated skin cells wash out quickly from cleansed skin, but it also ensures the pores stay clear of blockages. Exfoliate one to two times per week to add the process of dead skin cell removal. A mild chemical exfoliant may include a BHA—beta hydroxy acid—for more penetration ability in oily skin.

- Product Recommendation: Paula's Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant or COSRX BHA Blackhead Power Liquid.

 Masks: Weekly Treatment

Integrate the clay mask once a week to your regime to draw out impurities and excess oil. Follow-up with masks which have kaolin or bentonite clay.

- Product Recommendation: Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay or Origins Clear Improvement Active Charcoal Mask.

Steps of Dominique Sachse's Morning Skin Care Routine on YouTube

Famous beauty influencer Dominique Sachse shared her morning skincare routine on YouTube, and there is so much to learn from her and the products she uses. Here is the quick summary of what she does:

1. Cleanse: She cleans with a gentle cleanser to rid the skin of everything built up overnight.

2. Tone: After that, she uses a toner to help balance the skin for what's next in the routine.

3. Serum: Her other need includes a vitamin C serum for the brightening action and a dose of antioxidants.

4. Moisturizer: She believes in the importance of hydration, even if you have oily skin.

5. Sunscreen: Never skip sunscreening; the rays can be pretty damaging to your skin.

She tried to focus on teaching consistency and finding the right products for your skin type in your routine.

morning skin care routine steps

Mistakes to Avoid in Your Morning Skin Care Routine


Over-washing or using harsh cleansers can strip the natural oils off of your face, and your skin will react with excessive oil production due to this. Do wash your face only twice a day with gentle cleansers.

Skipping Sunscreen

If you do not use sunscreen, then your skin is exposed to the UV rays, which tans or ages your skin and even leads to skin cancers. Slather sunscreen, even on days when it's not so sunny.

Using Too Many Products

Less is more in matters of skincare. Overloading your skin with too many products at one time can potentially result in irritation and outbreaks. Just take the basics, and work your way slowly in adding new products.

Ignoring Skin Type

Products can work against your skin if they are not suitable for your skin type. Be sure that the products you use are for oily skin.

Frequently Asked Questions on the Morning Skin Care Routine

The best steps would be cleansing, toning, application of serum, eye cream, moisturizing, and sunscreen. In each step, products should be used which are especially formulated for oily skin, intending to control the production of oil and avoid breakouts.

 How often should one exfoliate with oily skin?

Exfoliate once or twice a week with something gentle like a chemical exfoliant. Overexfoliation will only anger your skin and increase its oil production.

Can I skip moisturiser if I have oily skin?

No, oily skin does need some water too. But get a lightweight, oil-free moisturizer to keep your skin balanced but not shiny.

 Do I really need a toner in the morning?

This will help in balancing the skin's pH level and prep it well for the rest of your routine. It might further cleanse any impurities left over from cleansing.

What is the right SPF for oily skin?

Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30. For oily skin, it's best to look for one that has a matte finish formula to help hold down shine.

morning skin care routine steps


The most important thing to having healthy and radiant-looking skin is a well-structured morning skincare routine, which may be somewhat more difficult when one has oily skin. Follow these steps and use highly recommended products that give results in regulating oil production, preventing breakouts, and defending your skin from the environment. Patience, as they say, is a virtue, so be consistent, and choosing the right products for your skin will make all the difference. Get that glow, that refreshed complexion, by following through with these morning skin care routine steps inspired by beauty influencers like Dominique Sachse.

Apply the following steps of your morning skincare routine for oily skin and enjoy its benefits for a well-balanced complexion. However, if there are any particular concerns or conditions, then one must see a dermatologist to guide you on a personalized routine.

Here is full article on skin care routine for anti-aging skin 🥰

Happy reading Mintfyer 🥰 

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