Here's What You Need to Know About the Various Types of Dandruff

Dandruff is a common scalp disorder that affects millions of people across the globe, causing discomfort, itching, and further embarrassing the sufferers. Knowing the various types of dandruff and how to deal with each type will lead to a better life with the condition. Learn the widely accepted multiple types of dandruff, causes, and treatment options. 

Dandruff types

Table of Contents

1. What is Dandruff?

2. Common Types of Dandruff

• Dry Skin Dandruff

    • Oily Skin Dandruff

    • Fungal Dandruff

    • Product Build-Up Dandruff

3. Dandruff Types Symptoms

4. Causes of Dandruff

5. Diagnosis of Dandruff

Dandruff is the shedding of dead skin populating the scalp. It is not contagious or serious, but can be dimcult to treat successfully. Dandruff snowflakes vary in size from small white stippling to large white, fatty snowflakes.

2. Common Types of Dandruff

Dry Skin Dandruff

Dry Skin Dandruffis of the common type. It mainly occurs during cold weather or due to constant washing of hair with rough shampoos. In such a type of dandruff, the flakes are tiny, white, and loose.

Oily Skin Dandruff

This kind is associated with an increased amount of oil or sebum arising from the scalp. The oils may contribute in dead skin cells clumping or sticking together, thus forming large, yellowish scales. Oily scalp dandruff appears much alike as it carries out with other skin conditions, often with seborrheic dermatitis. 

Fungal Dandruff 

 This occurs when the scalp is contaminated by a yeast-like fungus, the Malassezia. This fungus feeds on the oils of your scalp and causes irritation along with flaking. It is also more difficult to treat as compared to the other type of dandruff.

Product Build-Up Dandruff

Product Build-Up Dandruff – This happens when there are deposit piles on the scalp of hair care products like shampoos, conditioners, and styling stuff. Of course, that too can cause irritation and flaking, similar to dandruff.

 3. Symptoms of the Different Types of Dandruff

- Dry Skin Dandruff: White small scales; scalp tends to be dry and itchy.

- Oily Skin Dandruff:Yellowish large flakes; scalp is oily; redness.

- Yeast Dandruff: Redness; itchy scalp; white/yellow large flakes.

- Not Washing Enough Dandruff:White large flakes of the scalp; irritation; dirt.

 4. Causes of Dandruff.

There are numerous reasons that one could possess dandruff:

- Dry Skin:The skin might be deficient in moisture content; hence repeat flakes.

- Oily Skin: Too much natural oils may cause dandruff.

- Fungal Infection: Malassezia fungus may cause dandruff.

- Product Build-Up: Most hair care produce may cause irritation to the scalp.

 5. Identifying Types of Dandruff

To identify what type of dandruff it is that you have, consider these:

- Check the Flakes:Small, white flakes are more likely to be caused by dry skin dandruff, while larger, oily, yellowish flakes are likely to be oily skin d.

- Check Scalp Condition: Oily scalp means oily skin dandruff, while a dry scalp means that the dandruff is of dry skin.

- Look for Redness and Itchiness:If redness and itchiness are persistent, then it could very well be fungal dandruff.

- Evaluate Product Use: If you use plenty of hair products, then the dandruff could be product build-up dandruff.

6. Dandruff Management for Different Types

Dry Skin Dandruff

- Moisturizing Shampoos:Solution shampoos containing:.

- Avoid Harsh Products: Avoid harsh and strong detergents.

- Hydrate:Drink lots , keep your skin hydrate.

Oily Skin Dandruff

- Medicated Shampoos: You can use shampoos that are prepared using the chemicals zinc pyrithione, salicylic acid, or selenium sulfide.

- Regular Washing: You need to wash your hair regularly as the oil secretion can be controlled up to some extent by washing it now and then.

- Avoid Oily Products:Use hair products which don't add much extra oil in your scalp.

Types of dandruff

Fungal Dandruff

- Anti-fungal Shampoos:Shampoos which are made from ketoconazole or tea tree oil.

- Proper Hygiene: A good scalp hygiene helps in reducing fungal growth.

- Consult a Dermatologist: In case of continuing, then a dermatologist is consulted.

 Product Build-Up Dandruff

- Clarifying Shampoos: One can go for shampoos which help in the removal of product build-up.

- Limit Product Use:Using fewer hair products.

- Regular Cleanings: Proper cleaning of hair and scalp.

7. Dandruff Prevention

- Regular Shampooing: To maintain a clean scalp and avoid oil and product build-up issues.

- Balanced Diet: A proper, healthy diet with necessary vitamins and nutrient elements.

- Stay Hydrated: Have plenty of water to ensure that the scalp does not get dehydrated.

- Limit Hair Products:Use a moderate quantity of hair products to avoid build-up of the same.

 8. FAQs

Q1: Can dandruff be completely cured?

A: One can actually control dandruff, but doing it can't be eliminated. It can be controlled with regular treatment and care that one renders to the scalp.

Q2: Are there natural remedies for dandruff?

A: Natural remedies for dandruff can be considered in the form of tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar, and coconut oil.

Q3: Can stress cause dandruff?

A: Yes, in fact, according to many, stress worsens any case of dandruff, seeing that it degrades the general condition of the skin, even on your head.

Q4: How frequently should one shampoo if they have dandruff?

A: The type of dandruff you have shall confirm how often you need to shampoo your hair. Most probably for oily skin it may be more as compared to that for dry skin.

Q5: Can dandruff lead to hair loss?

A: The severe conditions of dandruff and itchy scalp due to inflammation may eventually cause temporary hair loss because of too much and vigorous scratching.

Q6. Is dandruff contagious?

A: Dandruff is not contagious. It is developed on an individual's scalp, depending on individual conditions and factors.


Dandruff can be a nuisance and a chronic problem, but an understanding of the varied types of dandruff and their causes can help you manage it better. Proper treatment and a healthy lifestyle are very important in maintaining the scalp in a good condition. In case it is not effective, consult a dermatologist in order to provide you with customized advice and treatment solutions.

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